Thursday, 12 July 2012

Metroon theme brings Windows 8 to the iPhone

A certain theme entitled Metroon has garnered all types of publicity from outlets that normally don’t cover jailbreak apps, tweaks, or themes. Perhaps that has a little to do with the fact that it’s one of the first Windows 8 styled themes to appear on the iPhone?
At any rate, we’ve decided to take Metroon for a spin. What we found was a solidDreamBoard theme that will set you back $1.50 on Cydia’s ModMyi repo. But is it deserving of the hype?
The hype is well deserved, because the developer of Metroon created a theme that can easily coexist with stock iOS. A lot of themes force you to choose between itself, and I’ve found that this strategy just doesn’t work well.
With Metroon, a simple tap will take you back to the Home screen, and you can easily use your iPhone just like you normally do if you need to accomplish a quick task. In other words, switching between the two interfaces is quick and seamless.
Another thing that makes Metroon worth taking a look at, is the fact that it does add some value to your experience. The live tiles provide you with information with a quick glance, the interface is slick and full of primary colors that pop. Best of all, I found that it’s stable. Stability is a huge issue when it comes to themes, and Metroon performed well on my iPhone 4S.
On the negative side of the coin, I would like to see more custom tiles supported with future updates. There also needs to be an easier way to adjust or move tiles — the current method is overly tedious. Lastly, we need more live tiles.
Of course, if you hate themes, then Metroon probably won’t change your opinion about them — it’s still a theme, after all. But if you’re a willing participant in theming that’s experienced more than your fare share of disappointments, I believe Metroon might be the theme that turns the tide.

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