Absinthe – Greenpois0n jailbreak utility used to jailbreak A5 devices such as the iPhone 4S and iPad 2
Ac1dSn0w – Jailbreak tool released in 2011 by Manuel Gebele. Originally released to support a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 (tethered). Will most likely be updated to support other devices.
Activator – A jailbreak utility available in Cydia that allows you to assign gestures to invoke applications and utilities. For example, you can set a double tap on your status bar to open SBSettings, a quick reply texting app, or any other app of your choosing that has Activator support. Most applications readily support Activator.
Baseband - The baseband is essentially the part of your device that controls the antennae. This has everything to do with your service and signal. This is why most unlockers have to be extremely careful when upgrading. If the baseband changes, it can permanently keep them from achieving an unlock. This is the main reason most unlockers tend to favor PwnageTool. It creates a custom firmware bundle for you to upgrade to that doesn’t upgrade the baseband, only the main OS. If you are running on a legitimate carrier and don’t care about unlocking, the baseband it typically less of a concern. Wifi and Bluetooth don’t run on the baseband either, so iPod touch or iPad owners typically don’t have concerns when it comes to new baseband versions. Tools like redsn0w and sn0wbreeze are capable of preserving your baseband so during an upgrade the firmware can be updated while the baseband remains in tact. This is something desirable when you need to achieve an unlock.
BigBoss – One of the largest and most well known repositories in Cydia
BiteSMS – A jailbreak application available in Cydia that adds more functionality to the default messaging app including quick reply and quick compose functionality. BiteSMS also offers users the ability to purchase credits to use towards international texting that are typically cheaper than paying carrier rates.
blackra1n – A jailbreak utility used to jailbreak devices running iOS 3.x
Blobs – A lot of people ask about this one and why Cydia wants to save them. When you upgrade firmware in iTunes, you’ll see at the top when you start a restore “Verifying restore with Apple”. Apple only signs current firmware versions. If you accidentally upgrade and then try to downgrade, your restore will fail. SHSH blobs save you from this headache. It will basically give iTunes a fake hand to shake, which in turn, makes iTunes think your restore has been verified. This can be a life saver if you accidentally upgrade and need to downgrade. TinyUmbrella will save SHSH blobs to the Cydia server as well. I highly recommend saving your blobs for every firmware version in case you ever find yourself in this predicament. We have posted a guide on how to save SHSH blobs using Tiny Umbrella.
Bootloader – This refers to the baseband bootloader. It is the code that is run before the baseband firmware. This is the code that is responsible for updating the baseband and signature checking.
Chronic Dev Team – A group of hackers responsible for the release of several jailbreak tools and utilities. While some of them work closely together, others do not and may belong to other teams or groups as well. Regular members include chronic, posixninja, DHowett, and more. Other users such as pod2g, geohot, MuscleNerd, saurik, and chpwn have been known to work or collaborate with the Chronic Dev Team as well.
CLI – stands for command line interface (aka Terminal for Mac users or command prompt for Windows users)
Comex – A popular iOS hacker. Past involvement includes hacking the Nintendo Wii platform as well.
Corona – A jailbreak utility that untethered iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1 jailbreaks. Available as a package via Cydia.
Cyberduck – A popular FTP and SSH client used to gain root access to view and edit file systems
Cydelete – A jailbreak utility that allows users to delete Cydia installed applications just as you can stock apps instead of going through manage packages via Cydia to uninstall.
Cydia – The largest jailbreak app store. Started and run by Jay Freeman, also known as saurik
David Ashman – Creator of the popular lock screen enhancement program LockInfo
Dev Team – Group of hackers well known to the jailbreak community that is responsible for several tools such as redsn0w, ultrasn0w, and more. Simliar to the Chronic Dev Team. Some members participate in both groups while others do not loosely associate with either group but may collaborate on projects and tools.
DFU mode – Stands for device firmware update. DFU mode will talk to iTunes but it bypasses iBoot which will then allow you to downgrade firmware. Most jailbreaks will require DFU mode for these reasons as opposed to recovery mode.
DisplayRecorder – Jailbreak utility by Ryan Petrich that allows you to record the display on your iPhone or iPad similar to taking a screen recording on your PC or Mac.
Dreamboard – Jailbreak utility that gives users the ability to theme their device and customize the look and feel. Similar to applications such as Springtomize or Winterboard.
Firecore – Responsible for tools such as Seas0nPass which jailbreaks the AppleTV.
firmware – The file that contains the operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Firmware files have the .ipsw file extension.
Fix Recovery – Option in Tiny Umbrella as well as other jailbreak utilities that will force the device to exit recovery mode if stuck in a loop
Fugu – another FTP and SSH client used to access, view, and edit file systems on devices or web pages
f0recast – an application created by iH8sn0w which gives access to MobileDevice Library
Greenpois0n – A popular jailbreak utility that has been updated several times and jailbreaks multiple versions of iOS.
Geohot – Famous hacker responsible for jailbreaking several iterations of iOS as well as firmware versions for the Playstation 3. Got a lot of media attention when he was sued by Sony.
Hacktivate – a process of fake activation that bypasses carrier activation and activates the device without passing through iTunes verification
iBoot – Apple’s bootloader that runs recovery mode
iExplorer – Popular Mac and PC client that allows users file system access on their iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
iFaith – An open source SHSH dump program for Windows created by iH8sn0w
i-Funbox – File explorer and manager for Windows and Mac
Installer – The first jailbreak store available on iOS 1.x
Intelliborn – popular development group best known for making jailbreaking applications such as IntelliscreenX and TLert (now known as Messages+)
IntelliscreenX – Popular lock screen enhancement program similar to LockInfo that adds an array of additional functionality and options to notification center and the lock screen on iOS devices
iOS – The software iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch runs. Firmware files have the extension .ipsw
IPSW – the file extension for iOS firmware files
ipswDownloader – Application for Mac and Windows where the user can choose their device and their firmware. ipswDownloader will then inform the user what jailbreak tool or unlock tool will work with that specific device and firmware version.
iRecovery – A command line utility (CLI) for OS X, Linux, and Windows. Its main function is that it can communicate with iBoot
iWipeCache – Clears the cache on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Available in Cydia as a free download. Can also be used to fix the white icon issue on iOS 5.0 and above
Jailbreak – The process of exploiting the file system in order to download Cydia and applications that are not authorized by Apple. While Apple does not approve of jailbreaking, the DMCA granted jailbreak an exception that rules it as legal.
Jay Freeman – Also known as saurik. Created Cydia and several tweaks and applcations available in it. Has also worked with both the Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev team on jailbreak utilities and exploits
Libactivator – A library of activation methods. Activator uses libactivator to assign gestures to invoke actions in iOS
limera1n – A jailbreak utility released by geohot that jailbreaks iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen, iPad, and AppleTV on certain versions of iOS 3.x and iOS 4.x
LockInfo – A popular lockscreen enhancement utility created by David Ashman that’s available in Cydia. Has similar functionality to applications such as IntelliscreenX.
Mobile Substrate – Extension created by saurik that allows 3rd party developers access to SpringBoard (such as theming).
MuscleNerd – Member of the iPhone Dev Team who has a main focus on unlocking the iPhone baseband.
MyWi – Popular tethering application available in Cydia that allows users to tether without an official tethering plan from their carrier.
My3G – Application package available in Cydia that allows users to lift many carrier restrictions regarding 3G data such as using FaceTime over 3G.
openSSH – A protocol that allows you root access to your device. openSSH is a package available in Cydia that will allow remote access to your file system without plugging in. You may set a username and password to gain entry to your filesystem (highly recommended if you plan on installing and actively using openSSH).
Packages – The term used for the applications and utilities you install from Cydia. Going to the Manage tab in Cydia will reveal a packages tab. Tapping into it will give you a list of all current packages installed on that iOS device.
pod2g – Popular iOS hacker responsible for producing the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1. Also a major player in finding exploits and figuring out the cache issue in A5 devices – namely the iPhone 4S and iPad 2
p0sixninja – Chronic dev team member Joshua Hill
PwnageTool – Another jailbreak utility. The main difference is that PwnageTool will allow users to create a custom firmware bundle that will preserve the baseband for unlockers
RC – stands for release candidate (as opposed to beta)
Reboot – the process of restarting an electronic device. This is done on iOS devices by sliding to power off after holding the power button or holding the home and power button simultaneously until the device turns off and back on.
Recovery Mode – Activated by iBoot and is used to flash an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with a new firmware installation. Different than DFU mode as DFU mode does not implement iBoot
redsn0w – Popular jailbreak utility released by the iPhone Dev team used to jailbreak, install Cydia, fix many recovery issues. There are many versions available that will jailbreak several iOS firmwares. Supports using custom firmwares as well.
Repository – a database containing packages and applications for download. You can add custom repositories to Cydia by entering the URL in the Sources section under the manage tab. We have a list of repositories available in our jailbreak forums.
Respring – Process of restarting the springboard. Many Cydia packages will require users to do this in order to install and execute bottom level files. Making changes to the user interface will also typically require a respring as well.
Restore – The process of flashing an iOS device with a new copy of the operating system via iTunes
saurik – Jay Freeman’s alias – creator of Cydia
SBSettings – Popular utility that adds quick toggles, an easy way to respring your device, and several other functions including monitoring memory and hiding icons.
Seas0nPass – Jailbreak utility created by Firecore that is used to jailbreak the 2nd generation AppleTV
SHSH blobs - A lot of people ask about this one and why Cydia wants to save them. When you upgrade firmware in iTunes, you’ll see at the top when you start a restore “Verifying restore with Apple”. Apple only signs current firmware versions. If you accidentally upgrade and then try to downgrade, your restore will fail. SHSH blobs save you from this headache. It will basically give iTunes a fake hand to shake, which in turn, makes iTunes think your restore has been verified. This can be a life saver if you accidentally upgrade and need to downgrade. TinyUmbrella will save SHSH blobs to the Cydia server as well. I highly recommend saving your blobs for every firmware version in case you ever find yourself in this predicament. We have posted a guide on how to save SHSH blobs using Tiny Umbrella.
Sn0wbreeze – A tool similar in functionality to PwnageTool that allows users to create custom firmware ipsw’s to restore to.
Source – A section in Cydia under Manage that will allow users to add, edit, and view repositories Cydia is currently aggregating applications and utilities from.
Spirit – A jailbreak utility for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch under iOS 3.1.2 through 3.2.
SpringBoard – The graphical user interface on iOS devices
Summerboard – Application which allowed users to theme and change graphical elements of the SpringBoard. Replaced by Winterboard.
Terminal – Command line interface (CLI) utility built into Mac OS X
Tethered – A jailbreak that requires users to tether to a computer in order to reboot their devices. The least favorable type of jailbreak as if the device dies, users can not get past the Apple logo and will have to connect a computer and use an application such as redsn0w in order to perform a tethered boot.
TinyCFW – Program created by the same makers of TinyUmbrella that will modify an existing ipsw to allow you to restore from an IPSW you have SHSH blobs on file for.
TinyUmbrella – A tool used to save the SHSH file off of your iOS device that makes it possible for users to go back and downgrade when needed. Also integrates a TSS server that will allow an iTunes restore to go through with the SHSH files that were saved. It basically allows the verification and permission part of iTunes to continue instead of failing and giving a restore error.
ultrasn0w – Utility available via Cydia that will unlock the iPhone to work on another carrier.
unlock – Term used to describe removing carrier restrictions from a device. Unlocking a device will allow GSM users to insert any GSM sim card instead of whatever carrier the phone was originally locked to.
untethered – The most desirable type of jailbreak as you can reboot the device without having to perform a tethered boot with a computer. The phone can be turned off an on and will without getting stuck at the iBoot level.
Winterboard – Application available in Cydia made my saurik that allows users to theme graphical elements of their SpringBoard
yellowsn0w – Unlock utility that was initially utilized in unlocking the iPhone 3G
Absinthe – Greenpois0n jailbreak utility used to jailbreak A5 devices such as the iPhone 4S and iPad 2
Ac1dSn0w – Jailbreak tool released in 2011 by Manuel Gebele. Originally released to support a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 (tethered). Will most likely be updated to support other devices.
Activator – A jailbreak utility available in Cydia that allows you to assign gestures to invoke applications and utilities. For example, you can set a double tap on your status bar to open SBSettings, a quick reply texting app, or any other app of your choosing that has Activator support. Most applications readily support Activator.
Baseband - The baseband is essentially the part of your device that controls the antennae. This has everything to do with your service and signal. This is why most unlockers have to be extremely careful when upgrading. If the baseband changes, it can permanently keep them from achieving an unlock. This is the main reason most unlockers tend to favor PwnageTool. It creates a custom firmware bundle for you to upgrade to that doesn’t upgrade the baseband, only the main OS. If you are running on a legitimate carrier and don’t care about unlocking, the baseband it typically less of a concern. Wifi and Bluetooth don’t run on the baseband either, so iPod touch or iPad owners typically don’t have concerns when it comes to new baseband versions. Tools like redsn0w and sn0wbreeze are capable of preserving your baseband so during an upgrade the firmware can be updated while the baseband remains in tact. This is something desirable when you need to achieve an unlock.
BigBoss – One of the largest and most well known repositories in Cydia
BiteSMS – A jailbreak application available in Cydia that adds more functionality to the default messaging app including quick reply and quick compose functionality. BiteSMS also offers users the ability to purchase credits to use towards international texting that are typically cheaper than paying carrier rates.
blackra1n – A jailbreak utility used to jailbreak devices running iOS 3.x
Blobs – A lot of people ask about this one and why Cydia wants to save them. When you upgrade firmware in iTunes, you’ll see at the top when you start a restore “Verifying restore with Apple”. Apple only signs current firmware versions. If you accidentally upgrade and then try to downgrade, your restore will fail. SHSH blobs save you from this headache. It will basically give iTunes a fake hand to shake, which in turn, makes iTunes think your restore has been verified. This can be a life saver if you accidentally upgrade and need to downgrade. TinyUmbrella will save SHSH blobs to the Cydia server as well. I highly recommend saving your blobs for every firmware version in case you ever find yourself in this predicament. We have posted a guide on how to save SHSH blobs using Tiny Umbrella.
Bootloader – This refers to the baseband bootloader. It is the code that is run before the baseband firmware. This is the code that is responsible for updating the baseband and signature checking.
Chronic Dev Team – A group of hackers responsible for the release of several jailbreak tools and utilities. While some of them work closely together, others do not and may belong to other teams or groups as well. Regular members include chronic, posixninja, DHowett, and more. Other users such as pod2g, geohot, MuscleNerd, saurik, and chpwn have been known to work or collaborate with the Chronic Dev Team as well.
CLI – stands for command line interface (aka Terminal for Mac users or command prompt for Windows users)
Comex – A popular iOS hacker. Past involvement includes hacking the Nintendo Wii platform as well.
Corona – A jailbreak utility that untethered iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1 jailbreaks. Available as a package via Cydia.
Cyberduck – A popular FTP and SSH client used to gain root access to view and edit file systems
Cydelete – A jailbreak utility that allows users to delete Cydia installed applications just as you can stock apps instead of going through manage packages via Cydia to uninstall.
Cydia – The largest jailbreak app store. Started and run by Jay Freeman, also known as saurik
David Ashman – Creator of the popular lock screen enhancement program LockInfo
Dev Team – Group of hackers well known to the jailbreak community that is responsible for several tools such as redsn0w, ultrasn0w, and more. Simliar to the Chronic Dev Team. Some members participate in both groups while others do not loosely associate with either group but may collaborate on projects and tools.
DFU mode – Stands for device firmware update. DFU mode will talk to iTunes but it bypasses iBoot which will then allow you to downgrade firmware. Most jailbreaks will require DFU mode for these reasons as opposed to recovery mode.
DisplayRecorder – Jailbreak utility by Ryan Petrich that allows you to record the display on your iPhone or iPad similar to taking a screen recording on your PC or Mac.
Dreamboard – Jailbreak utility that gives users the ability to theme their device and customize the look and feel. Similar to applications such as Springtomize or Winterboard.
Firecore – Responsible for tools such as Seas0nPass which jailbreaks the AppleTV.
firmware – The file that contains the operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Firmware files have the .ipsw file extension.
Fix Recovery – Option in Tiny Umbrella as well as other jailbreak utilities that will force the device to exit recovery mode if stuck in a loop
Fugu – another FTP and SSH client used to access, view, and edit file systems on devices or web pages
f0recast – an application created by iH8sn0w which gives access to MobileDevice Library
Greenpois0n – A popular jailbreak utility that has been updated several times and jailbreaks multiple versions of iOS.
Geohot – Famous hacker responsible for jailbreaking several iterations of iOS as well as firmware versions for the Playstation 3. Got a lot of media attention when he was sued by Sony.
Hacktivate – a process of fake activation that bypasses carrier activation and activates the device without passing through iTunes verification
iBoot – Apple’s bootloader that runs recovery mode
iExplorer – Popular Mac and PC client that allows users file system access on their iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
iFaith – An open source SHSH dump program for Windows created by iH8sn0w
i-Funbox – File explorer and manager for Windows and Mac
Installer – The first jailbreak store available on iOS 1.x
Intelliborn – popular development group best known for making jailbreaking applications such as IntelliscreenX and TLert (now known as Messages+)
IntelliscreenX – Popular lock screen enhancement program similar to LockInfo that adds an array of additional functionality and options to notification center and the lock screen on iOS devices
iOS – The software iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch runs. Firmware files have the extension .ipsw
IPSW – the file extension for iOS firmware files
ipswDownloader – Application for Mac and Windows where the user can choose their device and their firmware. ipswDownloader will then inform the user what jailbreak tool or unlock tool will work with that specific device and firmware version.
iRecovery – A command line utility (CLI) for OS X, Linux, and Windows. Its main function is that it can communicate with iBoot
iWipeCache – Clears the cache on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Available in Cydia as a free download. Can also be used to fix the white icon issue on iOS 5.0 and above
Jailbreak – The process of exploiting the file system in order to download Cydia and applications that are not authorized by Apple. While Apple does not approve of jailbreaking, the DMCA granted jailbreak an exception that rules it as legal.
Jay Freeman – Also known as saurik. Created Cydia and several tweaks and applcations available in it. Has also worked with both the Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev team on jailbreak utilities and exploits
Libactivator – A library of activation methods. Activator uses libactivator to assign gestures to invoke actions in iOS
limera1n – A jailbreak utility released by geohot that jailbreaks iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen, iPad, and AppleTV on certain versions of iOS 3.x and iOS 4.x
LockInfo – A popular lockscreen enhancement utility created by David Ashman that’s available in Cydia. Has similar functionality to applications such as IntelliscreenX.
Mobile Substrate – Extension created by saurik that allows 3rd party developers access to SpringBoard (such as theming).
MuscleNerd – Member of the iPhone Dev Team who has a main focus on unlocking the iPhone baseband.
MyWi – Popular tethering application available in Cydia that allows users to tether without an official tethering plan from their carrier.
My3G – Application package available in Cydia that allows users to lift many carrier restrictions regarding 3G data such as using FaceTime over 3G.
openSSH – A protocol that allows you root access to your device. openSSH is a package available in Cydia that will allow remote access to your file system without plugging in. You may set a username and password to gain entry to your filesystem (highly recommended if you plan on installing and actively using openSSH).
Packages – The term used for the applications and utilities you install from Cydia. Going to the Manage tab in Cydia will reveal a packages tab. Tapping into it will give you a list of all current packages installed on that iOS device.
pod2g – Popular iOS hacker responsible for producing the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1. Also a major player in finding exploits and figuring out the cache issue in A5 devices – namely the iPhone 4S and iPad 2
p0sixninja – Chronic dev team member Joshua Hill
PwnageTool – Another jailbreak utility. The main difference is that PwnageTool will allow users to create a custom firmware bundle that will preserve the baseband for unlockers
RC – stands for release candidate (as opposed to beta)
Reboot – the process of restarting an electronic device. This is done on iOS devices by sliding to power off after holding the power button or holding the home and power button simultaneously until the device turns off and back on.
Recovery Mode – Activated by iBoot and is used to flash an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with a new firmware installation. Different than DFU mode as DFU mode does not implement iBoot
redsn0w – Popular jailbreak utility released by the iPhone Dev team used to jailbreak, install Cydia, fix many recovery issues. There are many versions available that will jailbreak several iOS firmwares. Supports using custom firmwares as well.
Repository – a database containing packages and applications for download. You can add custom repositories to Cydia by entering the URL in the Sources section under the manage tab. We have a list of repositories available in our jailbreak forums.
Respring – Process of restarting the springboard. Many Cydia packages will require users to do this in order to install and execute bottom level files. Making changes to the user interface will also typically require a respring as well.
Restore – The process of flashing an iOS device with a new copy of the operating system via iTunes
saurik – Jay Freeman’s alias – creator of Cydia
SBSettings – Popular utility that adds quick toggles, an easy way to respring your device, and several other functions including monitoring memory and hiding icons.
Seas0nPass – Jailbreak utility created by Firecore that is used to jailbreak the 2nd generation AppleTV
SHSH blobs - A lot of people ask about this one and why Cydia wants to save them. When you upgrade firmware in iTunes, you’ll see at the top when you start a restore “Verifying restore with Apple”. Apple only signs current firmware versions. If you accidentally upgrade and then try to downgrade, your restore will fail. SHSH blobs save you from this headache. It will basically give iTunes a fake hand to shake, which in turn, makes iTunes think your restore has been verified. This can be a life saver if you accidentally upgrade and need to downgrade. TinyUmbrella will save SHSH blobs to the Cydia server as well. I highly recommend saving your blobs for every firmware version in case you ever find yourself in this predicament. We have posted a guide on how to save SHSH blobs using Tiny Umbrella.
Sn0wbreeze – A tool similar in functionality to PwnageTool that allows users to create custom firmware ipsw’s to restore to.
Source – A section in Cydia under Manage that will allow users to add, edit, and view repositories Cydia is currently aggregating applications and utilities from.
Spirit – A jailbreak utility for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch under iOS 3.1.2 through 3.2.
SpringBoard – The graphical user interface on iOS devices
Summerboard – Application which allowed users to theme and change graphical elements of the SpringBoard. Replaced by Winterboard.
Terminal – Command line interface (CLI) utility built into Mac OS X
Tethered – A jailbreak that requires users to tether to a computer in order to reboot their devices. The least favorable type of jailbreak as if the device dies, users can not get past the Apple logo and will have to connect a computer and use an application such as redsn0w in order to perform a tethered boot.
TinyCFW – Program created by the same makers of TinyUmbrella that will modify an existing ipsw to allow you to restore from an IPSW you have SHSH blobs on file for.
TinyUmbrella – A tool used to save the SHSH file off of your iOS device that makes it possible for users to go back and downgrade when needed. Also integrates a TSS server that will allow an iTunes restore to go through with the SHSH files that were saved. It basically allows the verification and permission part of iTunes to continue instead of failing and giving a restore error.
ultrasn0w – Utility available via Cydia that will unlock the iPhone to work on another carrier.
unlock – Term used to describe removing carrier restrictions from a device. Unlocking a device will allow GSM users to insert any GSM sim card instead of whatever carrier the phone was originally locked to.
untethered – The most desirable type of jailbreak as you can reboot the device without having to perform a tethered boot with a computer. The phone can be turned off an on and will without getting stuck at the iBoot level.
Winterboard – Application available in Cydia made my saurik that allows users to theme graphical elements of their SpringBoard
yellowsn0w – Unlock utility that was initially utilized in unlocking the iPhone 3G
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