Monday, 9 July 2012

iOS 6 Beta 3 could arrive today, iH8sn0w notes

The third beta of iOS 6 could arrive today at 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern Time, iOS hacker iH8sn0w tweeted last night. Apple pushed the second beta to its registered developers on June 25, following the June 11 WWDC release of the first iOS 6 beta.
The company tends to release a few betas to squash bugs and test the software with its registered base of developers before going Gold Master…
iH8sn0w, the brains behind the Sn0wbreeze jailbreak tools, wrote in his tweet (emphasis mine):
Everyday is getting closer to @JailbreakCon. I’m super excited! Side note: iOS 6 beta 3 may be hitting dev portals at 10am PST today. :)
Each iOS 6 Beta has an expiration date set which can be tapped to roughly pinpoint when the next beta might land. “It’s been a pattern”, reads another tweet by iH8sn0w.
Apple said at WWDC it would release iOS 6 for public consumption this fall, but wouldn’t pledge to a specific date. If history is an indication, the software will hit iTunes servers the same day the next iPhone goes one sale.
We’ll be keeping tabs on Apple’s portal for iOS developers and ping you if a new beta arrives today.
Just don’t expect much in terms of new features, it’s gonna be a maintenance release to iron out a few bugs and smooth out some of the rough edges.

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